March 17, 2012

Date Night: St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody! I hope you're all wearing green today...nobody likes to get pinched. Here at our house, we celebrated St. Patrick's Day yesterday... here's how we did it.

I gave Chris this invite when he got home from work. It explained what we were doing for our date night.

I made dinner while he was in the other room. A simple meal. Chicken Alfredo, salad and ginger ale to drink. I must of stepped away from the kitchen for too long, because the little sneaky leprechauns got to our food and turned it all green! ;) (I added a couple drops of food coloring to the alfredo sauce and rainbow sherbert to the ginger ale)

During the day yesterday I found a couple worksheets online. I'm pretty sure these were made for little kids...but some of them were pretty hard!

Then it came time for Chris to find his surprise. I thought I'd make it more fun and send him on a little scavenger hunt.

I got this idea over here at The Dating Divas. They have printable tags!

After that we watched the ONLY Irish movie we had...Leap Year.

I think it was a pretty fun date night. Chris thought the green food was the best and could not stop laughing at it. He said it was fine because I made it, but if anybody else did he would be a little worried haha.

What are you doing for St. Patrick's Day?


  1. Sheesh so creative! I'm jealous :)

  2. I LOVE THIS DATE! I can't believe everything that you come up with! It seems so fun! Mind if I steal this idea next year? :)


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