March 16, 2012

Nike: Just Do It

I have honestly never paid attention to these nutritional labels before on food products... until this week.

I am not a person to be persuaded into exercising and losing weight from the New Years Resolution buzz but I am,  however, persuaded to exercise and lose weight when I reach a certain weight. That weight for me is about 200lbs (90kgs). But for the last 6 months or so I have been hovering around that area with very little fluctuation.

My first 18 years of my life I have been very active. I worked out at the gym, played a lot of rugby, and ran a lot of miles. Needless to say, I was in decent shape and athletic.
Age 19, I went to Las Vegas to do some volunteer work which meant I couldn't continue with my usual athletic activities. In those 24 months I gained a depressing 50lbs. Got back home and shredded off 20 lbs as easy as I gained them.

This week I was tired of being out of shape, so I am deciding to do something about it by training for the Chicago Marathon. Okay, am I really training for the Chicago Marathon? No, but "Nike Running" has a Chicago Marathon Training Program which I am doing. It has given me an outline for what distance I need to run everyday. Starting out as a beginner (even though I have run two triathlons, two half-marathons, and run State in HS), I should be ready to run the marathon distance in 15 weeks. I hope I can keep this up. It's not bad now because I'm doing a relaxed internship but next month I start an intense series of finance courses and my wife will have a little baby boy.

So far this week I have run 6 miles and did Billy Blanks BootCamp Cardio Inferno. This was very tough for me. It's an intense 45 minute cardio workout. I bought this DVD last year when I was in Las Vegas and did some exercise at home. I did it today for the first time in a long while and could not go all the way through it, a couple times I had to take a rest. Tomorrow I will be refereeing a rugby match and on the side of that will be doing a 4 mile run.
My goal eventually is to get back where I use to be - running 10 miles in 60 minutes. Currently I am struggling with 3 miles in 30 minutes. Sad day!

The formula to losing weight is to exercise and eat healthy. I am exercising, but now I'm also diving into the healthy eating lifestyle. Although pizza is delicious and high in calcium, it's also high in calories. Who knew that strawberries has more Vitamin C than an orange. The other day I had a homemade double cheese burger - 1,000 calories!! I have learned that all those rumours about fruits and vegetables being good for you is true. They are low in calories and have a large amount of goodness in them. Life cereal has a substantial amount of Iron in it.
To calculate my calories and all that stuff, I have been using this app called MyFitnessPal. It's actually been quite interesting to me and have enjoyed finding out just exactly what I am eating.

Now enjoy some fun cartoons I have found on the web...


  1. So the 24 months of 'volunteer work' in Vegas, was that your mission that you served, or is that different? Show some pride lil bro:)

    1. Ha yes, that was my mission. It was easier to write it that way because being a missionary has a different meaning in other religions.

  2. Michael does Insanity!! It is very intense. Check it out on You Tube! Good luck with your getting back into shape!


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