November 18, 2012

My Wife, of Great Worth...

When I said, "I do" to the beautiful woman I call my wife, Alyssa I thought I knew what I was getting; a companion and a best friend, someone to greet me when I came home from work and yes, I got all of that; plus a little more than I expected. When we vowed to each other on that most special day, our wedding day we promised love through the thick and thin, through health and sickness, through richer or poorer - in short, we promised to be there for each other no matter... what for all eternity.

Never has a day gone by where Alyssa ceases to amaze me. Just when I thought I knew everything there is to know about her, another beautiful characteristic blooms deep within her inherited nature.  She is the most understanding person, the best gourmet chef, the funniest person, the much needed listener when I feel the world is falling upon me. Ever seen the dates she has planned? Talk about creativity! There are countless precious virtues hidden inside of her which only the closest person in her life can see them. I have been blessed to be that person, to recognize her every detailed talent and attribute.

The purpose of this post (behind Alyssa's back) is to shout to the world how lucky I am to be her husband. How lucky I am to be sealed to her journeying the rough days and joyful days forever. The past couple weeks I have been feeling under the weather. Never did a day go by last week when my fever hit below 100 degrees F. I constantly had a headache, always feeling nauseous, one minute i'm shivering, the next i'm sweating half my body weight off. It was a nightmare! On top of that, my cute little son, Hudson was showing signs of his first teeth coming through. He wasn't happy with that because of the pain - I too would be crying endlessly if a bone of some sort trying to work its way out my gums.

Tonight wasn't the best of night. I was again feeling out of it - threw up and the works. Alyssa is trying to keep everyone together, washing dishes and making the house a cleaner state. Then by pure wisdom and intelligence I moved furniture which resulted in a nail striking Alyssa and puncturing her hand. I washed up and tried to comfort Hudson while he screams his lungs out. To my woeful surprise, a musty sewage smell fumed from his little diaper. In a state of emergency and for the sake of the baby's carpet, I alert my dearest wife for immediate help while I hold him up like a ticking time bomb with my head turned away. (I have a terrible gag reflex). Of course with some running water and a great attitude she saves the day - Hudson had a clean bum, I found myself on the bed trying to keep myself calm and Alyssa is the hero of the day - as she is every day.

At the end of the day not once has she complained, grumbled, or murmured under her breath. Who I married on that special day was somewhat of a goddess. Alyssa is more perfect for me that I could ever have imagined. Alyssa's the mother no money could buy, Alyssa's the wife that no price could be placed. She's my world, my life, my eternal companion... she's my wife, Alyssa  :)

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