November 20, 2012

Hudson: Seven Months

Hudson is 7 months old (and 2 days.) I can't believe it! I'm so excited for these next couple of months because he'll be experiencing a lot of his "firsts," like his first Thanksgiving, first Christmas, first time unwrapping presents...etc. I think I'm more excited than he is. 

-At his 6 (1/2) month check up he was 15lbs & 27in long.
-Loves Ritz crackers
-Crawls...everywhere. He does the cutest army crawl & he's really fast.
-I'll probably jinx myself by saying this...but we have a sleeper! Yes, he sleeps through the night now (most nights) usually only waking up once to eat.
-Goes after everything. He loves cords, remotes, keys and the laptop.
-We've spilled more water in the past month than we have before. We casually leave our cups by the couch on the ground forgetting he can crawl and get to them.
-We still bathe him in his infant bathtub (for the convenience) and I think its about time we change to the big tub. He splashes all over the place. We usually have a puddle of water on the ground by the time we're done.
-He's a bit of a camera hog. Once we get the camera out he starts smiling right away.
-He loves people. He is always smiling at them and flirting with the girls behind us at church.
-TWO TEETH! Yea, Hudson's bottom two teeth (the middle two) have come in. They are sharp and so so cute.

He's climbing up onto things now. 
He was trying to get the cords in this one.

Just after bath time 

Watching TV with mom. 
He looks so big to me here.

Eating crackers---He has crazy hair!---So cool with his sunglasses on---Silly boy!

Hudson with Dad's backpack---Crossing his legs while on a walk---First Halloween---Climbing

Onesie from Grandma and Grandpa Dewsnup

We found him sleeping like this one night

Trying on hats at Target


  1. A couple years ago, Daniel and I babysat his nephew over night. He was probably around the same age as Hudson. No matter how many times we lay him on his back, he would immediately flip on his belly with his bum in the air. It was soo cute!

  2. I wish you two were still in Rexburg so our babies could play. It would be fun to see two little 7 month-old boys crawling around together!

    1. I wish we were still there too!! That would be so much fun! They would be the best of friends!


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