November 1, 2012

At first I felt bad...

How was your Halloween night? Hopefully it was more entertaining then ours was.

So we didn't buy any Halloween candy to pass out to the little trick-or-treaters. =/ Does that make us bad people? I don't know, maybe it does. I felt bad, at first. But let me tell you something.... we didn't even have one knock on the door. NOT ONE!

We went on a walk around our apartment complex, because the complex was hosting a "patio decorating contest" and we thought they would be fun to look at. NO ONE DECORATED. Seriously guys, no one. (We didn't even see any trick-or-treater's while we were out.) I guess Arizona doesn't celebrate Halloween? Ha, just kidding. I'm sure they do...we just didn't see any of it.

Anyways on a brighter note, it's November!

One of my babies turns 7 months old this month, the other baby turns 26. It's going to be a good month!! I don't know if any of you care, but I am doing a November Photo-a-Day challenge on Instagram. (I do have my account set to private, so if you're planning on adding me just leave a comment with your insta-name so I know to accept you!) 
Alyssa: @alyssasmeda
& just incase you want to follow the hubs: @smedac

I hope you all have a great month!!

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on this... we only got ONE trick or treater and this was our first year in our own home. we were very sad to say the least!


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