October 18, 2012

Hudson: Six Months

Six months? Woah...seriously? My baby has been here for half of a year already!? Where has the time gone? This past month has been big for us, Hudson has been progressing so much!

-Not sure on his weight stats...we have an appointment on Tuesday...so once I get the info I will update!
-First plane trip; September 25, 2012 [Phoenix to Las Vegas] He did a lot better than I thought he would! Slept most of the way and was the center of attention at the airport.
-First try of baby food; September 22, 2012 [Green Beans] We recorded the whole thing...video below. We're seriously thinking of sending it into America's Funniest Home Videos.
-His favorite foods are oatmeal, sweet potatoes and carrots. 
-Loves to look at himself in the mirror. 
-He loves bath time and usually splashes all the water out of his little bathtub.
-He's a tiny guy. Most of his clothes are still the 3 months size.
-Makes sounds like a dinosaur. Or a fishing reel...I can't decide.
-Loves playing outside and has discovered the grass.
-Its just a matter of days before he starts crawling. He gets up on his hands and knees, rocks back and forth and lunges forward.
-Is slowly and surely getting better at sleeping in his own room, his in big boy crib.
-Loves Playhouse Disney.

Going for a walk---Love his little toes---In Las Vegas---Meeting dad for lunch

Helping mom with laundry---Carrot face---Shopping at Target---New Bumbo

All dressed up for church :)

Just hanging out

First boarding pass

His crawling stance

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