April 22, 2012

The Greatest Creation

The Bible begins, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." It continues with the rest of the creation but I find significance in the creation because it wasn't until after the earth had been formed, after the day had been separated from the night, after the waters had been divided from the land, after the vegetation and animal life had been created, and after man had been placed on the earth, was woman created; and only then was the work announced complete and good. Isn't it amazing that God ended the creation of the earth with His crowning jewel-woman.

I read in the scriptures that all things bear record of Christ. If all things bear record of Christ, is there one particular thing that represents Christ more than anything else? And could that be a woman? Is my wife truly the ultimate symbol of Christ? A Prophetic man, President Hinckley said, "He who is our eternal Father has blessed you with miraculous powers of mind and body. He never intended that [women] should be less than the crowning glory of his creations"

If you remember, God's ultimate and final creation, His crowning jewel, glorious mother Eve.

Now as some of you may know, my beautiful wife, Alyssa gave birth to my first born son, Hudson on Wednesday. There are a few things that I noticed while watching the birth of Hudson. While Alyssa was in active labour, I found myself standing by her side helpless while she moaned through the extreme torture her body was going through. My heart ached for her when almost every part of her body became distressed and groaned through the increasingly intense torture. Alyssa literally gave up her own physical body to give life for her child. She faced this pregnancy head on as she knew she would have to potentially face life's worse elements head on. Only hours before the miraculous birth of Hudson, Alyssa's water broke as many dad's out there know, the water keeps flowing and flowing with no signs of stopping. Then at the fine moment of birth, next her body's life blood flowed and spread. She literally shed her own very blood for Hudson and at some appointed time, his spirit entered into the little baby's body. You see, Alyssa shed her own water and blood to give my son physical mortal life.

If you recall, something happened about a couple thousands years ago that was a little similar to this situation. Our heavenly Father, which we call God, had to stand by and only watch while his Son, Jesus Christ suffered the worse pain of all to give life. When Christ atoned for all of us, yes, each every one of us, he went through so much harrowing pain and torture that he bled from every pore of his body. Then while raised on the cross, the soldiers pierced his sides where water flowed out from his body. 

Do you see where I am going with this now? Is my wife truly the symbol of Christ? As Jesus shed His water and blood, to give spiritual life and eternal life, so my wife shed her very life's water and blood to give physical, mortal life. To me this is extremely fascinating. It's sad that so many women in this world are regarded as second-class and not as important because in all reality, without them, you or I wouldn't be around. 

Alyssa, I love you!


  1. I never thought of it that way, though I have never given birth before! She really is great, and lucky to have you boys in her life!

  2. Chris this is just beautiful. How blessed Alyssa is to have a husband that cherishes her soooo much and how blessed are the three of you to be a forever family basing your lives on such profound truths.....much love Grammie

  3. I cried through this entire post! Alyssa is remarkable! And Hudson is so cute! What a beautiful family, and what a miracle children are!


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