January 16, 2012

I'm it!

Thank you Mikaila from Distinctly M for tagging me.
Now, its my turn. 

The Rules:
1. You must post the rules. (and link up who tagged you)
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, 
and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
4. Tag eleven people and link them on your post
5. Let them know you've tagged them!

Eleven Fun Facts About Me:
1. I seriously honestly believe everything happens for a reason. We face challenges and have struggles daily because they make us the person we are meant to beYea, it’s tough…but in the end, you always end up learning something. Whether it’s something about yourself, or something about another person.
 2. A year and a half ago I never thought I’d be where I am today. Married….and with a baby on the way. It would of seemed crazy then, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
3. I love having deep conversations and learning new things about people. I could sit for hours and just talk. In fact, that's what Chris and I did the first week we met. <3
4. I am in love with water. I really think I drink more than I eat....and that's saying something. 
5. I am addicted to too many TV shows. I currently watch: The Bachelor, Once Upon a Time, Desperate Housewives, Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, 90210, One Tree Hill, Switched at Birth, The Secret Circle....I'm sure the list goes on. 
6. I am the oldest of four girls. We are 21, 19, 15, and 9. We are all different and unique in our own ways. & honestly, I don't think any of us look alike. But Danielle (the 15yr old) and I always get asked if we're twins when we're together. 
7. Hubs got me a sewing machine for Christmas. I've already made little Hudson a car seat cover and I made a nursing cover for myself. I can't wait to try to make all the cute stuff I find on Pinterest. 
8. I love my husband. He is so supportive and such a fun guy to be around. 
9. I started driving when I was 16 and have 3 different vehicles since then. Ford F150, Chevy Blazer & now, my Ford Taurus. 
10. I love going out to eat. I secretly wish I had the money to go out every single night. I do like cooking, I just hate cleaning up. 
11. I hate folding laundry. I don't mind doing it, but the actual folding part really gets to me. 

Questions from Mikaila
1.  Do you consider yourself creative?
-Actually yea, I do. I love getting crafty and creating new things. I love coming up with fun date night ideas for me and the hubs too.
2.  What is your proudest accomplishment?
-I have a feeling it’s going to be my son. I am so excited to teach him and watch him grow up.
3.  Would you ever meet a blog friend in real life?
-For sure. A lot of the people in blog land seem like the kind of people I like to be around. As long as the blogger wasn't a creepy old man…yea, I’d go for it.
4.  Do you have a "Bucket List"? 
-Eh…you could call it that. When I was 8 I made a list of 50 things I wanted to accomplish in my life. I still have the list and have about half the things crossed off already. I guess it’s time for a new one.
5.  What actress do you secretly covet a body part from?
-I love love love Jennifer Aniston’s body. She’s in her 40’s and still rockin’ it.
6.  Truth Or Dare?
-Normally I’d say truth…cause I’m a scary cat, but sometimes…if I’m feeling risky I’ll go for the dare. 
7.  Botox or All-Natural?
-All-Natural baby. Laugh lines and wrinkles are what make you, YOU.
8.  What is your greatest characteristic?
-I’d have to say my ability to be nice. There’s a lot of people out there these days that won’t even smile back.
9.  How many different cities have you lived in?
-Hmmmm…only 3. Yea, I’m boring. 
10.  Peanut Butter and Chocolate, or Peanut Butter and Jelly?
-Definently peanut butter and jelly. I like the strawberry jam!
11.  World Peace or A Million Bucks?
-World peace will never happen (and I'm no beauty queen.) There are too many controversial issues…so for now, I’ll go with a million bucks.

My questions
1. Who do you admire? Why?
2. If you could have only one superpower, which one would you choose?
3. In your opinion, is it easier to forgive or forget?
4. What makes you laugh?
5. You have an hour of free time, what could we find you doing?
6. Mountain cabin, beach house or big city condo?
7. What is your favorite type of food? Least favorite?
8. Have you ever been outside of the US? If so, where? If not, where would you like to go?
9. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
10. What's your favorite holiday?
11. What do you want to be doing in five years?


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