January 21, 2012

Date Night: The Bucket List

Have you ever seriously sat and thought about the things you want to do before you "kick the bucket?" I haven't. I used to make little lists here and there about things that I wanted to do in my life, but never really thought deeply about it. That all changed last night. During my preparation for this date night, I was inspired  by The Dating Divas (click on their name to find their version.)

I started off by writing Chris a little poem explaining what was going on for the night.... I didn't have time to make it cute, it came to me on the spot. While he was at work I sent him an e-mail invitation, here's what it said:

Dreams, wants and wishes only name a few…
Life is eternal; I know there are things you want to get to.

In order to prepare for our date tonight there’s something I need you to do,
It may take you all day and all night, that’s why I’m preparing you.

Please start thinking about things that you’ve always wanted,
Whether it’s to skydive, write a book or visit a house that is haunted.

First we will eat, and then we’ll relax,
& lastly we’ll each start compiling a list of facts.

This list will be full of all the things we’ve ever wanted to do,
After we’re done with that list we’ll make a list for me and you.

This will be called our “Bucket List” and it will be filled with all sorts of things,
We’ll have to make sure to display this list somewhere it’ll be sure to be seen.

For as we accomplish the things on our list,
We will cross them off one by one….
I know that by doing this we will feel pure bliss,
And we’ll be proud of all the things we have done.

(YES, I came up with that all by myself...it was definitely a proud moment.) 

We made dinner, cheeseburgers & fries, then we sat and watched the movie, The Bucket List. For those who haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend it. It's about two guys who escape from a cancer ward to do things they have always wanted to do before they die. (Make sure you have tissues before you watch it!)

After we watched the movie we each started making our very own bucket lists.

Some of the things on my list were: Fly first-class, vacation in Tahiti, learn to play the piano, find money on the ground (dollar bills), ride in a limo, and design my dream home.

Chris' list consisted of these sorts of things: Meet the Prophet, get a pilots license, climb Mount Kilomanjaro, save a life, attend the rugby world cup, and watch PGA live. 

We decided to make a list of things we both want to do together. Go sky diving, go on a cruise, see the Statue of Liberty, go to Hawaii, scuba dive, go to Disney World, go on a safari in South Africa, and swim with the dolphins...to name just a few. 

We had a lot of fun spending time together and talking about our lives and things we wanted to accomplish. If you haven't made your own bucket list...do it :)

1 comment:

  1. Melanie here! I enjoyed this piece, please email me--I have a question about your blog. MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com


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