December 9, 2011

Thanksgiving, birthdays, & decorations

I know I'm super late posting about all these things, but I figured its better late than never...right??! Brittany,  one of my best friends, got married on the 23rd of November. Before going to Alpine for Thanksgiving, we stopped in Logan for a few days for her wedding.

I got to see these girls again! Brittany, Mindy & Cassie

Congrats Britt & Jason! We love you!

November and December are crazy months full of birthdays for the Dewsnup side of the family. Before getting married, there were 2 birthdays in November and 2 in December. When I got married, 1 more was added to November and 1 more was added to December.  

Jessica's birthday was on the 27th of November. She turned 19!
She invited one of her friends over and we had dinner & cake.

Two days later it was Chris' birthday. 25! Woo-hoo!
He posted about his birthday, to see his post click here.

Holy cow! It's already December. Where has the time gone? This year has flown by and I have had the best time with Chris. So pinterest has been added to my addiction list....& I made this super cute wreath with inspiration from it!

We put up our tree (& we have one thanks to my parents! Thank you!) 

Chris got the honor of putting on our star tree topper.

We definitely have many more Christmases to look forward to, especially next year because we will have our lil guy with us. We are looking forward to spending our Christmas in California with warmer weather and family! We'll be there in 10 days!!

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