October 9, 2011


What I've learned in the past 6 months... about myself & my husband:

-I CAN cook, never thought that day would come.
-He makes me laugh more than I ever thought possible.
-I'm not as patient as I thought I was.
-He is an extremely hard worker.
-I do know how to dust...(Dad...I know, shocking huh?)
-He doesn't talk when I'm upset...its his way of letting me vent.
-I jump to conclusions more than I should.
-He is a very forgiving person.
-"I'm sorry" aren't words that come out of my mouth often.
-Living with someone other than family can be rough.
-He is a child at heart. Give this boy cereal and cartoons and he's set. 
-Snoring is something I can sleep through, if I try hard enough.
-Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, & the Glee Cast live with us. They sing to me while their showering.
-He's very adamant about his future, dreams and goals.
-Being away from family and friends is a struggle I face daily, still.
-He can go to sleep angry, I can't.
-The past is the past, the future is what's important.
-He is creative when it comes to planning dates.
-We have different tastes in movies, but he watches chick flicks because I like them.
-Compromise is the key ingredient in all relationships.
-Waking up at 2am for a rugby game? He is crazy.
-General conference, the temple and the church mean more to me now. 
-He is very outgoing and much more of a people person than I am.
-I worry about money, he keeps me calm.
-We will have extremely cute kids.

Yes, we've had our fair share of arguments and disagreements, but in the end they make us a stronger couple. We are one and we are together forever. When we got married we didn't say vows, but in my heart I knew I would be with him through sickness and in health, for better and for worse. They say that the first year of marriage is the hardest and once you make it past that year you can do anything together. 6 down, 6 more to go. 

I love you Christopher Alan. 
Thank you for an amazing 6 months.

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