May 17, 2011

Oh so thankful Tuesdays...5/17

Ohhh kay, heres the deal...I've decided that Tuesdays are great. Why you ask? Well because they are NOT Mondays...and they're a day closer to the weekend. My Tuesdays, as of today, have become "Oh so thankful Tuesdays." Every Tuesday I will blog about different things I am thankful for & I hope you will comment about things you are thankful for as well. Lets make this life a....more thankful one :)

oneThe husband. He's a stud. I am so lucky to have married a guy like him. He always makes me laugh....especially when he booty shakes around the house to J.Lo (oops, was that a secret?)

two: My computer. I've had a hard time sleeping these past couple nights and I can always count on my  piece of crap HP to keep me company while Chris is next to me snoring away.

three: Wall clocks. This may be a weird thing to be thankful for, but its been a huge difference since we finally bought two on Saturday. I can sit in the living room and know what time it is without having to go all the way in the kitchen to find out. (....I'm pretty sure that just made me sound really lazy...ha thats not the case :)

four: Friends. I found out that making friends isn't as easy as I thought it would be when I moved to California with my family back in September. After being in Las Vegas for 20 years, in the same house since 2nd grade, and always knowing the same people...moving to a new state was rough. I'm thankful for the friends that have stuck by my side this whole time, and for the new friends we're making up here in Rexburg. 

five: Fabric softener. I love the way it makes clothes smell. Snuggle is the way to go. It keeps clothes smelling good hours upon hours. 

Ok... now its your turn. 


  1. 1. My beautiful daughters who make life worth living each and every day.
    2. My sexy wife whom I love so very much and who without I would be an eternal worthless man.
    3. My parents who taught me how to love the better things in life.
    4. That there is a God in heaven who loves me despite all my short comings.
    5. That I live in a country where it is possible to do and say what I want. God bless America.


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