May 20, 2011

Friday Night is Date Night♥

Okay, so who doesn't love date night? I remember growing up my parents would set aside one night during the week to go on a date. As kids, we would hate this. It meant we were the ones stuck home with nothing to do &  being in a house full of was always end up in fighting and arguing. Now that I'm married, date night is the most important night of the week for me. I love being able to have set aside time for Chris and I to spend together, especially because of how busy he is during the week.

Fridays are date night at our house, which means Fridays on Sincerely Smeda will be full of different date ideas! How fun, right? I've come across two blogs that I LOVE. They have the best ideas and all of the ideas are super creative.


Tonight is my turn to plan, & we are having a "spouse sleepover." I got the idea from The Dating Divas (click on their button above to go to their website.) Its a surprise for Chris, so I won't be giving too many details just yet. There will be pictures tomorrow :)


  1. Sounds super cute and fun... can't wait to see the pics!

  2. Daniel and I have sleepovers all the time. Love it. Every now and then we'll build a fort in our living room over our mattress to sleep in. He turns into a little kid. Love it!!

  3. We are glad you liked the spouse sleepover date! Date night is so much fun!
    Corie-The Dating Divas


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