February 21, 2013

Hudson: Ten Months

I need to blog more. I only do it once a month and that's only because Hudson turns one month older. New goal = blog more. We'll see where that gets me.

Anyways...you guys, Hudson is almost a year old. He's almost a toddler!! Can you believe it?! I sure CAN'T. He is getting way too big, way too fast. We sure are enjoying the ride though.

-He's a small little guy. He's hanging around the 16lbs mark and has been there for quite some time now.
-He knows how to drink from a straw, clap his hands and give you a high five.
-He LOVES eating anything and everything off OUR plates.
-Has started walking along the furniture. & today, he started walking around the house pushing his walker.
-Finally perfected his crawl. No more army crawl...he's on all 4's now!
-Says mama, baba, and some times dah. (Sadly...he hasn't associated any of those with the right people/things.)
-Loves watching Yo Gabba Gabba.
-He thinks Ritz Crackers are their own food group.
-Goes to any drawer, shelf, cabinet he can find and pulls out everything.
-Our kitchen table is his new jungle gym. He loves climbing underneath and over things. We definitely have a climber on our hands.
-Chases the vacuum.
-He always gets so excited when Chris gets home from work.
-He's a true boy (and definitely Chris' son,) he loves any sort of ball. Basketball, football, baseball...and will throw/chase them around the apartment.
-He has SO MUCH HAIR! It has the cutest curls to it.
-Peek-a-boo is his new favorite game.

 He made his own step stool to watch TV

At the pet store for the first time. 
He loved the fish.

Bath time 

 Out for a walk. 
Clapping his hands

Just being a trouble maker

Love those baby blues & those curls!

Once again...he's a trouble maker.


Hanging out under his first fort.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun age for learning and exploring. I love his long hair. Lyla still has no hair. Can't wait to put bows in her hair!!


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