November 7, 2012

A Letter To You

Dear Hudson,

You are growing up too fast. It feels like just yesterday we were laying together in my hospital bed cuddling and listening to daddy sleep. It feels like just yesterday I was learning how to swaddle you just right, and bounce you in that certain way that you liked to be bounced. I'm no professional, but I do feel like I've gotten the hang of you. I love being your mommy. It's November and you turn 7 months old this month. You have developed quite the little personality. You've learned to throw fits, spit your food out, crawl around every where, scream really loud, sit up by yourself, chew on everything you can get your hands on, whine like a little puppy and make everyone around you smile. You have a million dollar smile.

I have big dreams for you Hudson. I hope that you grow up to be all that you can be. I hope you give life your all. I hope you make good friends, friends that will help you make good decisions as you grow up. I hope you learn to be a hard worker, and that you work for the things you need and want. I hope you turn out to be a gentleman, just like your daddy. I hope that your daddy and I can raise you to be all that your Heavenly Father intends for you to be, and that once you have kids of your own that you will do the same for them.

We have so much fun together, your daddy, me and you. You love laying in bed with us and climbing all over our faces. You love eating your oatmeal while your daddy hides behind me and plays peek a boo with you. You love looking at yourself in the mirror and smiling at everybody you see. You love playing with the laundry baskets and unfolding all of the laundry I fold. You love drinking from our cups and bouncing on our laps. You love watching cartoons and movies and being outside. You love going for walks in your stroller and laying on blankets on the grass. You love taking baths and splashing around in the water. You love your mommy and daddy and we love you.

I love you Hudson and am so lucky to be your mommy. Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life. I will forever be here for you, no matter what.


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