October 19, 2011

What Every Guy Should Know

Hey guys, I know some woman are tough to be with. Remember, we're different... very different.
  1. Don't lie to women, they will find out
  2. Don't say we understand, coz let's face it guys, we really don't
  3. Girls are pretty, but yours is the prettiest
  4. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook; doing something sweet will always get you off the hook (until the next dumb thing you do)
  5. A system in your car only impresses your homeboys, not the best women
  6. No matter what you say, your ex-girlfriend is the devil
  7. If you did something wrong or even if you didn't - apologize
  8. Woman are self-conscience by nature, they cannot help it
  9. Drama Queens, need I say more?
  10. "Fine" is not an appropriate answer when she asks how she looks.
  11. They don't care about monster trucks, car systems, extreme sports, or anything else the guys talk about
  12. Trust me, they don't shave their legs every day, so get over it
  13. Don't make bets about your women, they will find out
  14. Your woman is beautiful ALL the time
  15. They will always think they are fat, but humour them and tell them they are not
  16. Most important, women are always right, so don't forget it
To all the guys out there, good luck! 

Alright guys, this shows you just how different we are. 
This is a video of how men's brains are different from women's.

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