October 26, 2011

Date Night: Lanterns from Tangled

Have you seen the movie 

Have you made a lantern?

We have!

This past Friday was my turn to plan our date so I decided to base it off one of Alyssa's favourite movies, TANGLED! I kind of wanted to try this out too so I decided it was going to be a night of tangled lanterns. I told Alyssa before what we were going to do so we could go to Wal-Mart together and get supplies. We had most of the supplies but there were things we had to get like yellow paper and tissue paper.

We used this video to explain to us how to do it.

We loved making the lantern. It was relaxing for us and it probably took us about an hour to complete. The hardest part was cutting out the patterns for the lanterns. 

Then afterwards we cuddled up and watched the movie... 
Tangled :)


  1. What a fun idea! Pretty much the best movie ever! :)

  2. I was so excited when I saw this clip. But I admit I was disappointed that it didn't continue to explain how to make it float away. The best part about the lanterns in the movie is seeing them fill the sky.


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