So I feel like I've been slackin' on here! Sorry :( This weekend was a really relaxing one. I sorta feel like this guy:

Friday night we decided to go for a traditional date night, dinner & a movie. We went to Winger's for dinner and saw Cars 2 in 3D afterwards. I liked the first one better but hubs really liked this one (I think it was because it was his very first 3D movie and he was amazed.)

I kept hearing "babe this is so cool" and "did you see that??" pretty much the whole movie, haha. Afterwards we came home and played this new Pop Culture Scene It game we got from D.I. last weekend. It was pretty fun....but we were so tired we started to get loopy, so we went to bed.
Chris played golf with the Elders Quorum this morning, he won "best drive." I went shopping in Idaho Falls while he was playing. I couponed at Target, spent around $17.00 and came out with a lot of stuff, along with a $5.00 gift card. I could really get the hang of saving all this money, it's pretty awesome. We cleaned up our kitchen, made lunch, took stuff to D.I. and watched some TV. I cut and colored hubby's hair and now we're just chillin', its nice.
Tomorrow is Sunday, which means another relaxing day. We have church, an ice cream social afterwards & friends coming over for dinner tomorrow night. Spaghetti it is, yumm. Ta-ta for now!
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