November 5, 2011

Date Night: Baby It's Cold Outside

Christmas is my FAVORITE time of the year. The decorations, music and holiday cheer are the best! It's starting to get super cold here in Rexburg so when I found this idea for our date night I knew I had to do it. I got the idea from The Dating Divas (of course), you can find their version here.

We started the date when I picked Chris up from work. I gave him this invite & brought him a change of clothes.

So we ate somewhere we've never tried before. I've read about this place, and heard it was really good...and it was! Frostop Drive-in in Ashton, Idaho.

Once we were done eating we drove home and I had Chris wait in the car for about 5 minutes so I could go inside and set everything up. When he got to the door, he found this invite.

I made caramel apple bites (if you decide to do that, don't leave them in the fridge for too long, the caramel melts off), we had hot chocolate & super good chocolate covered graham crackers!

The apartment was decorated with snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, a strand of lights by the window & a fake fireplace on my laptop.

We cuddled up on the floor with some blankets and pillows.

And watched A Christmas Carol.

Chris even decided to rock his Halloween socks. Thanks mom & dad!

While we were watching the movie, I got a call from my sister telling me to look outside. I was SNOWING! I wasn't kidding, baby it's cold outside!!


  1. This post makes me miss Rexburg. It's still warm here - still have the AC running. I love your snow flakes, but please don't put up anymore Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving.

  2. Very cute date night!! Love all the snow flakes.. Glad the snow is there.. But I do love the snow P/T!


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