June 4, 2011

Date Night: A Night in Italy

So as much as I'd like to think I came up with this idea all on my own....I didn't. I got the majority of the idea from here, over at The Dating Divas. I don't know how they have the time to come up with these date ideas, raise a family & be bloggers at the same time...they're truly amazing women!

I've always thought it would be cool to go to Italy. Who wouldn't want to right? I figured since we're poor college student newlyweds and we cant afford to go to Italy, why not bring it to us? 

I made all these on my own, but again...got the idea from The Dating Divas. I picked Chris up from school & had an envelope with the following two items in it.

Item #1

& item #2. (yes...I personalized these...don't they look so real??)

"Boarding time" was 6:00pm, but we were both too excited so we decided to move it up to 5:30. 

We got dressed, got in the car and I had Chris open the 2nd envelope which had this in it. Take a look at the bottom right hand corner of the ticket...each ticket has personalized messages on them.
YAY for coupons :)

Yummmmmmm for Olive Garden.

We ate dinner...splurged on some pretty awesome Strawberry-Mango lemonades that were in super cool tall glasses. Once we were done & in the car, I had him open the 3rd envelope.

Paintings & Sculptures ehh? Yes.. thats right. We went all the way to "Florence, Italy" to become our very own Michaelangelo's. We used water-color paints to paint a picture of what we thought Italy might look like.

You probably have NO idea what this is, because really...I can hardly even tell. Its supposed to be downtown Italy...you know, where they do all their shopping. The red things are supposed to be stones in the walkway & the guy pushing the cart is selling Italian ice and Zeplas. ;)

Little did you know, or did I know...that my hubby is an artist. He is quite good. He went for the wine glass vineyard look & did a snazzy job, wouldn't you say?

Next...it was time for the sculptures. Task: to sculpt something out of playdough that reminded each other of one another. I went with golf-because he loves it almost as much as he loves me...and thats a lot!

Chris made the Las Vegas Temple...where we were sealed together for forever.

Envelope #4 contained:
Movie of choice:
Once that was done, he received the last and final envelope...
Tickets back home. It was the best trip to Italy I've ever taken....hopefully the next one is just as fun!


  1. I love this idea!!! How did you make the boarding passes??

  2. Thanks Kim! I googled plane ticket template & it came up under images. I just copied & pasted into a word doc & then added text boxes where I wanted everything to be. :) Super easy.

  3. i love it!! im totally taking this idea for you next date night!! thanks!!!

  4. Alyssa, you are the CUTEST!!! Ah! I love it!

  5. Wow! That one deserves wife of the year!!! Great idea & super crafty!

  6. Thank you!! :) I'm not working right now, so I have a lot of time to come up with things like this haha. It keeps me busy all day while Chris is gone.

  7. Alyssa.. This is a super cute idea!! Such a fun idea!! It looks as you guys had a great time.

  8. So cute im so stealing this idea from you!!! : ) you are so creative! even though it wasnt totally your idea you deff. made it your own and i love it!!


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